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A truthful witness saves lives, but one who breathes out lies is deceitful. Proverbs 14:25 (ESV)

No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes. Psalm 101:7 (ESV)

I read an article discussing how we’re currently living in what’s called a post-truth era. A post-truth era is a term that defines an environment where facts are less influential and believed, than emotions. Meaning most people accept false, misleading statements because of hyped-up emotions, versus facts being presented. We are living in an era where people tolerate dishonesty, proven inaccurate allegations, or downright lies in the face of actual truth.

It is truly sad when people feel they can do and say whatever they want even if it’s not true. And they seek to spread lies or misinformation to others, who may internalize and believe as truth, what is being said.

God never intended for His children to break any of His commandments and telling lies, is definitely one of them. Lies and deception cause destruction not only for the individual but with its ripple effect, many others are also impacted.

Now, some people routinely will tell what is called “little white lies” and feel this is okay, that God understands and, it is no big deal because everyone does it. However, throughout the Bible, God’s word teaches us that the choices we make are a very big deal. Whether we engage in small or big lies, a lie is still a lie, no matter the size.

God makes it pretty clear in the verses for today, as well as many others throughout the Bible, that He hates lies. God loves His children but, He hates when they choose to constantly lie and deceive others. Liars who choose to make it a normal practice to tell falsehoods will have no place in His presence. As stated in Psalms 101:7, those who practice deceit, who tell lies regularly, will not be in His house nor in His presence.

Now, truth be told, probably every human being has told a lie from time to time. However, those who tell a lie, feel regret, and seek forgiveness, are vastly different than those who make it a habitual practice and, who have no remorse.

We must remember God does not want anyone to tell even one lie. And He’s especially against anyone who makes it a habitual practice, to engage in deception. I pray that we all will become more and more like God, by having the same thoughts and feelings regarding any type of dishonesty.

May we always seek to surround ourselves with honest and trustworthy individuals. Be on your guard and limit, as much as possible, individuals who make it a practice to tell lies and deceive others. Be careful not to allow yourself to go along with some of their deceptive practices or schemes. Because if we are not careful, we too may find ourselves out of favor with God, for going along and perhaps, encouraging their dishonest behavior.

Seek always to be a child of God who hungers for truth and righteousness, and one that hates deception.



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