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A Compartmentalized Life

“Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.” 1 John 2:6 (ESV)

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,” Ephesians 4:1 (ESV)

One of the reasons I started 21st Century Godly Living Blog, was to share how we all can be authentic Christians, in all areas of our lives. From time to time, I believe we all have had a certain demeanor when we’re with church members and fellow believers. However, when we’re not in that setting or in their presence, another demeanor altogether sometimes emerges.

In reading an article recently, it inspired me to write this post on how we should not live a compartmentalized life when it comes to our spiritual walk.

Many of us have been guilty of separating our work, home, school, or our leisure time selves, from our spiritual selves. We act as if going to church and being spiritual stays at church. But once we step away, another persona then materializes.

For instance, in your home life, you act one way, in your work/school life you act another way, and then even still in your leisure activities, another persona comes out. Now I will say at times there will be a slight change in our personalities, depending on the setting and circumstance; and that is understandable. The problem occurs when the change becomes uncomfortable, especially if a church member were standing right behind you. If you feel you would be embarrassed, then you know this persona is not Godly, and not one He would be pleased with.

God expects us to be His ambassadors in all areas of our life. We’re not to compartmentalize and have different attitudes and behaviors, depending on the activity, or who we are around. If you’re loving and kind at church, then you should have that same walk, talk, and attitude, in other areas of your life.

As God’s people, we need to keep in check our behavior at all times; not just when we are around certain individuals. We need to ask ourselves, are we consistently the same person at church, as we are in, the other areas of our life? Or do we seek to compartmentalize, and become different people depending on the circumstances.

I encourage you to allow God and His Holy Spirit, to permeate all aspects of your life, at all times. To seek to walk and talk in Godly love and humility, in everything you say and do. Realize our Heavenly Father is everywhere and sees how we behave, in all aspects of our lives. Seek to daily be the Christian Ambassador He longs for you be.



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