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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.” Ephesians 5:6, ESV

Actions speak louder than words. This is so true. I actually saw this on a piece of paper from a Chinese fortune cookie recently. I believe we have all heard this saying. Experience will teach you to watch what a person is doing on a daily basis versus what they’re saying. A person may swear to you with their words regarding their feelings, etc. But their actions, are definitely not in step with their words. There are times when a person will mix truth with error (lies) and you believe for a time, what they are saying. However, one must look at the overall character and integrity of this individual. Especially for relationships that become more than just mere acquaintances. In saying this I am not just referring to romantic relationships. This also applies to business, school, church, family members, etc. In these relationships, look to see the type of person they portray on a constant basis. I want to encourage others to be on the lookout regarding a person’s steps/actions. If they do not go along with what they’re saying, be alert, and guard yourself against such a person.

God calls all of us into account, and that we should walk with integrity. Our steps, our actions, should reflect our words. As Christians, God is calling us to a higher standard, than what this sinful world says is acceptable. He’s calling us to be honest, loving and kind. To walk in the precepts He has set out, and not of our own lustful desires. More often than not, our desires are the very opposite, of what He has set out for His children.


Angelique ~

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