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Affected By Sin But, Not Infected!

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Galatians 5:16 (ESV)

Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. James 1:15 (ESV)

Sin permeates every facet of planet earth as well as its people. From creation to now, we cannot deny the fact that mankind with all their pursuits, has contributed to the decaying of our environment here on earth. Of course, I do not want to imply all pursuits are from a sinful origin but, we must admit a good majority of them originate from greed and an incessant need for pleasure-seeking.

Take for instance God’s beautiful creation of planet earth, which has limited resources but if cared for, could last for multiple generations. However, as populations grow as well as humanity’s insatiable needs, the earth’s resources are steadily being diminished.

As for human beings, their need for constant pleasure, whatever the cost, usually will involve sinful behaviors. Whether it’s cheating, stealing, lying, ungodly sexual acts, abuse of drugs/alcohol, manipulating others/situations for personal gain, death, decay, and the list can go on and on. It seems as if there is no end to the extent of what people will do, to satisfy their wants and desires.

Truth be told, sin has permeated every aspect of our environment and mankind. We live in a world where acceptable sinful attitudes and behaviors are in abundance. And unfortunately, we all from time to time have fallen prey to sinful actions in our own lives. Even though sinful pleasures are all around and we can be affected by them, we do have the choice to not allow sin, to infect us. Sin has affected our physical world and various relationships, whether directly or indirectly, via our family and friends. We can see sin’s effects when we witness the breaking down of family structures. When families are destroyed, it not only hurts the immediate individuals involved but also has a ripple effect that seems to impact others as well.

To shield ourselves from sin’s destructive influences, we must establish and maintain a strong relationship with God and His Holy word, which give us instructions on how to live our best life. We all must make choices daily however if we are connected to God and His precepts, we can avoid allowing sin to infect our decisions. How wonderful it would be if we all chose to not let sin inside. If we did, we would be able to slow and/or eradicate sin with its infectious and insidious nature.

However, the Bible does make it clear that until Jesus returns, sin will still permeate this planet. Despite this fact, we all should strive to do our part so as not to let it infect our lives. Following the example of Jesus Christ, we must strive to align our attitudes and behaviors according to God’s Holy word. In so doing, the sin that is so prevalent in affecting this world, will not be able to infect us.



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