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Anger: Get Rid of It!

For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:20 (ESV)

Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, Proverbs 22:24 (ESV)

I heard a speaker once mention how anger really needs to be something we all conquer, and not allow to stay inside of us and grow. Anger can manifest itself in outbursts or as a deep-rooted resentment, due to a situation or what someone did to us. If we don’t get a handle on our anger, we can become consumed and blinded where we cannot hear from God nor receive His blessings. In essence, anger can be a serious hindrance to us in moving forward in a positive direction in all areas of our lives.

When we allow dark forces of anger, resentment, and hatred to consume our thoughts and behaviors, we may find ourselves acting out in very dangerous and harmful ways. By allowing such dark and evil forces to take hold of us, we can become a danger to others, as well as to ourselves.

Of course, it is human nature to become angry when someone or something has occurred, that was meant to do us harm. All of us have experienced being angry and hurt, because of others and/or due to circumstances. Even though anger takes a hold of us, we cannot allow ourselves to stay there.

Have you ever thought of the effort it takes to stay constantly angry and upset? Then, have you ever stopped to realize that while one maintains anger, especially towards another, that person has usually moved on, and is now happy? But in the meantime, the one with the anger is still loaded down with negativity and resentment.

Instead of carrying our angry burden, let us seek to climb out of that negative, dark pit, and come into God’s light. One of the ways to do this is to seek to forgive. We need to realize forgiveness is not a feeling but a choice. In making that choice, we are not saying what was done was right. It is not saying everything is now okay. But choosing to forgive is for our healing, and places us on the path of spiritual maturity and growth. We may or may not achieve reconciliation with the individual or the situation however, we will become stronger, and move farther along on our Christian journey. We will no longer be wallowing at the bottom of the pit of life, due to anger.

Choosing to let go and forgive, will not be easy, especially if the offense is great. But our Father God never stated life would always be easy. He never said seeking to forgive and to reconcile a situation, would be easy. But, when those hard times come, may we try to seek to forgive and move forward in God’s grace and mercy.

We currently live in a world where anger and resentment abound and for various reasons. May we seek to rise above the world’s negativity by clinging to God and His Holy Word. May we constantly keep His principles before us as we navigate life. And remember, as for anger and resentment, get rid of it!!



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