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Are You Like Jonah?- Part 1

Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me. Jonah 1:1-2 (ESV)

Have you in the past or are you currently running away from what God has told you to do? In the book of Jonah, God told the Prophet Jonah to go and preach His message of repentance and forgiveness to the people of Nineveh. But Jonah took it upon himself, not to go because he felt the people were not worthy to receive God’s message of repentance, forgiveness, and love. Instead, he tried to run away from the duties God gave him. The point I would like to share is this: are you also running away or avoiding what God has directed you to do?

When I started writing this weekly blog well over three years ago, I did not start it right away when God told me to (see the blog titled Introduction). I did not so much as “run away” as I ignored or dismissed the instructions from God. I thought at first that this random thought just popped into my head for some crazy reason and I ignored it. That of course is normal and can happen to anyone. But when God came back to me again and again, I knew it was not “random” and it was an assignment from God. And every week, by God’s Grace, I continue to write what He imparts for me to share.

Now your turn. What gifts or talents has God given you to use in your ministry? Every human being is a child of God who has been assigned gifts to be used for the uplifting of His kingdom. There are many gifts given, for example, some are comforters and have the gift of encouragement. Some are writers, teachers, preachers/evangelists, helpers, and administrators. Some have the gift of hospitality and others are prayer warriors.

Whatever gift you have been given, are you using it to share God’s messages with those around you? There will be some who feel they’re not qualified to share God’s word with others. Some feel due to their past, they cannot be a witness for God. But this notion is further from the truth. None of us have perfect qualifications in sharing God’s wisdom and messages with the world. It is only by the Grace of God, that we can undertake this mission of sharing the gospel. I’ve heard it said many times before, God doesn’t call the qualified but He qualifies the call.

So, do not run away from your gift but, use it to share God’s words of love and hope with all the world. Also, do not feel you’re inadequate to carry out your ministry. Whether your ministry will be great or small, move out in faith and believe that He will be with you, will teach you, and sustain you, as you move forth doing His will.



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