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Are You Prepared When Jesus Returns?

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom… Matthew 24:6-7 (ESV)

Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. Matthew 24:42 (ESV)

The verses for today remind us of what will take place before Jesus returns. Now truth be told, in times past there have been wars and rumors of wars, as stated in these verses and yet, God has not returned. However, most Bible scholars, from various religious backgrounds have agreed, we are truly living in the last days of Earth’s history. So that begs the question to be asked, “Are you ready for when Jesus returns? Are you living your life in such a way that if He returns today, you’ll be ready to go with Him?”

A lot of people want to know the exact time of when God returns, so they can perhaps live their lives as they want, up until that time. If they knew the exact day when He is to come, they would erroneously think they could “clean up”, be good, and then seek to be kind to all. However, God has kept the exact time of His return from His children. He wants us to wholeheartedly embrace a life of goodness and to make the right choices always. His desire is for us to prepare our characters as well as our lives, to be ready to live for eternity, together in Heaven.

At times it is not easy to live righteously here on Earth. There are so many non-Godly distractions and temptations, that seek to constantly lure us away from being the children God desires. However, despite the temptations, we all have the ability to choose the right path in life; to make honorable choices that are steeped in Godly integrity. Whether the temptation is from home, work, school, or church, we all can choose to do what is right, each and every time.

Is there pleasure in sinful desires and temptations? A lot of the time yes. But will it lead to destruction, either physical, emotional, and/or spiritual? Yes, it always does. Sinful pleasures may feel good and fill you for the moment, but eventually, they will leave you cold and empty. And if one continues down this sinful/destructive path until God returns, they will be eternally separated from Him.

Like any good parent, God loves all His children and does not want any of them to be lost. He longs for a personal relationship with each one. However, He will not force anyone to choose Him. Without using force but with love, He will guide us in the direction of choosing the right paths throughout our lives. By way of His holy word, He gives us instructions on how to manifest and live a righteous life.

Daily seek God through prayer, Bible study and attend a Bible-believing/teaching church. Continue to say no, and stay away from, sinful temptations and wrong choices. Choose to live life to the full but, with Godly principles and integrity. Then we can be assured when Jesus returns, we will be ready.



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