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Are You Seeking or Serving?

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2 (ESV)

I listened to a sermon recently where the pastor made comments in reference to the Bible characters of Ruth and Boaz. I liked when he highlighted the part of the story where Ruth was not seeking a man or a relationship at the time, she met Boaz. When he met her, she was serving/working for the survival needs of both Naomi (her mother-in-law) and herself. And in the course of working, Boaz presented himself to her, speaking kindly and offering her his protection. Before he approached her, he saw her working and was told who she was, how hard she worked, and that she was the widow/daughter-in-law caring for her mother-in-law, Naomi. Her actions caused him to pay attention to her and realize this woman was busying herself with what was important in life.

This leads me to ask the question, are you seeking or serving? Of course, the story above is about an eventual love story but, in asking the question, it’s not just about love relationships. Are we mostly in the state of seeking: love, fame/glory, a lot of money, etc.? Or are we busy serving God by using our gifts/talents and spreading His messages with the world? As stated above, instead of focusing on seeking, we should instead focus on working and serving God and others. As God stated in His word in Matthew 6:33, “But seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Now, there is nothing wrong with us seeking a relationship, a better job, financial security, etc. The problem can come when we find ourselves constantly seeking as opposed to serving and building up God’s kingdom.

God knows our hearts as well as our desires. Whether we seek a mate, financial success, recognition, etc. Instead of putting most of our energies and efforts into seeking, may we get busy doing the Masters work by serving in various capacities, according to our gifts and talents. As we serve, let us allow God to order our steps and, allow Him to create divine interventions within our lives.



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