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Are You The Thermometer Or The Thermostat?

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 (ESV)

Thermometer – An instrument for measuring and indicating temperature.

Thermostat – A device that automatically regulates temperature.

How many of us from time to time can identify with going along with the crowd, even when we really didn’t agree with what was being said or the activity? I believe we all have been guilty of this at least once in our lifetime. But during those times, have you ever tried to actually “change” the atmosphere of that crowd? Change the temperature, just like a thermostat?

As children of God, He calls us to change the “temperature” of our environment for the better. We are called to shift worldly thinking and seek to change the thermostat of our surroundings. To do this, we need to follow the many examples illustrated throughout the Bible. Jesus, using Godly wisdom, never forced any person or any situation to change. By showing love, compassion, and understanding, He was able to reach out to the individual or group, and be a “thermostat” of positive, effective change.

Now there are those who do seek to change the atmosphere by going along with worldly/popular standards, that are far removed from God’s principles. And in doing so, many find themselves being just thermometers, allowing society/pop culture to dictate the “norms” of their life. And of course, most of these “norms” are always opposite Godly ideals.

Despite what’s happening in the world around you, seek to fill yourself up with God’s word and reflect His character in your daily interactions with everyone you meet. Allow Him to permeate your life and in turn, go forth into the world by shining His light of love. When you do this, you are taking on the ” thermostat ” role that seeks to positively change and impact this world for the better.

Seek not to be the thermometer, a person that just reflects and accepts what the world dictates. But be the thermostat, the Godly change maker in this world.



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