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As For Me and My House!

“And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

This past week’s post called attention to aligning our lives with God’s word and precepts, and not with the world’s. In continuing this thought pattern, I would like to encourage us to have our house (whether physical bodies, physical home, and/or our spiritual state), be ready and willing to always praise and honor the Lord.

I would like to encourage us to follow God completely and passionately, just as Joshua and Caleb did in the Old Testament, Numbers 32:12. As stated in Numbers 32:12, they both wholeheartedly continued following God’s direction, even when others turned their backs to follow their own way.

We all know it is not easy to follow God in our crazy, sin-laden world. There are so many temptations, opportunities, as well as encouragement, for us to turn against God and His word. In the world, people are celebrated for doing their own thing and seeking pleasures, even if it goes against Godly principles.

When one makes the bold declaration “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”, God is extremely happy. This statement in essence says, despite what others may do or say, despite what’s trending and/or popular, we will serve and listen to God. It boldly declares we will choose to live our lives as God would ordain.

Of course, there will be situations and teachings in the world that are God-centered however, in today’s culture most of God’s teachings are considered countercultural to the norms of society. For example, within romantic relationships, there are a lot of ideas that are celebrated and encouraged, that go against what God says in His Holy Word. The world encourages causal relationships and “hook-ups” stating, if it makes you feel good, it’s okay, enjoy yourself. However, this is totally opposite on how one should approach romantic relationships, from God’s perspective. Not to say a biblical relationship is not pleasurable; of course, it is as well. It just fits within the pattern God ordains.

May we seek to have an attitude that no matter what, we will always serve the Lord and abide by His precepts.

Remember, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”



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