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“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” John 7:24 (ESV)

“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven…Luke 6:37 (ESV)

If you see a male individual dressed in baggy pants, a T-shirt, tennis shoes, and a hoodie, what would your assessment be? Especially if this individual was part of the black or brown race, with ethnic or natural styled hair? What would be your first assessment upon seeing this individual coming towards you? Would you immediately think investment banker, a store/business owner, an electrical or computer engineer, a doctor, or a lawyer? Will that be your immediate assessment? Or would you think this individual was from the “poor side” of town, part of the lower echelon of society? Would you think he most likely has a criminal background, and more often than not, probably does not make good life decisions?

Now taking the same descriptions above, change his racial profile to being white or Asian. Does that impact your initial assessment? How about if we change the profile to a female who is black or brown-skinned? What is your assessment then? And if we changed it once more to a white female, what would be your assessment?

In looking at various individuals who we do not know, all of us from the human family will make assessments based on how we were raised, our circle of influence, as well as societal programming. The programing from society can be from various platforms of the media: print, television, radio, podcasts, music, etc. And depending on our background of influence, we all will make assumptions about certain individuals, based on their outward appearance.

Making assumptions about people is something God does not want any of His children to do. In the past, I wrote a couple of articles entitled God’s Kids, parts 1 and 2. And it was true then as well as now, that all of us, no matter our race, size, religious background, ethnicities, social-economic status, etc., are His children. He created every human being and every creature on this earth. He created the earth itself along with the stars, moon, constellations, etc. Everything living and created can be traced back to God. And He does not take kindly to any of His children, making wrong assumptions about another. Especially formulating negative assumptions, before you actually come to know the other individual.

Perhaps they do come from a poorer section of society, but that does not mean they should be automatically considered bad people. Likewise, some people may come from the higher levels of society with a lot of money, power, and influence, and that does not necessarily make them good people. As God’s children, we need to step back and view His world and His kids (all of us) as a work in progress. We all have issues, various trials, and tribulations, as we live out our lives.

Therefore, when you see someone who’s crossing your path, don’t assume the worst of this individual. Still look to treat every human being with kindness, dignity, and respect. Because for all you know, the person could be an investment banker, a doctor, a philanthropic individual who gives back to their community. Also, we must realize we could be entertaining angels when we meet strangers. The Bible states plainly in Hebrews 13:2; “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”.

Look to carry God’s love and humility with you wherever you go. And if you see a stranger, don’t assume you know about his or her life. Show Christlike behavior in your greeting, then continue on your life’s journey.



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