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Writer's picture21stcglmediateam


“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Proverbs 19:21 ESV

Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:15 ESV

In my devotion this morning in one of the stories, the writer talked about moving on and the sadness of having to let go of their house and possessions. Due to unforeseen circumstances, they had to move on to a new chapter of life in a new city, and they were not looking forward to this change.

Soon after I finished that devotion, the thought came to me: our attachments. As human beings, we all in some fashion, form various attachments to people, places, possessions, or our ideas of the future. We sometimes have it firmly planted in our minds, what we want out of life. And when things don’t go according to what we want or feel; that’s when disappointment, sadness, anger or even depression may take hold and settle in.

During these times I would like to encourage all of us to cling to God even more and to delve deeper into His word. We have to keep in mind that this life we’re living here on Earth, is temporal. This is not our permanent home and everyone and everything will not always remain the same. God will return and set this world to right. In the meantime, we are to focus on His word and what He says of the future.

Of course, in the real world, we still have to work, sleep, eat, love and care for ourselves as well as our families. However, we will, and should, have those times of looking toward the future. Of beginning our careers, a family, purchasing a new car or home. Taking vacations, buying various possessions and so on. There is nothing wrong with having dreams or aspirations and at times, achieving those goals. What can be a problem, however, is our total and complete attachments to those ideals.

We need to always remember everything, and everyone, belong to God. And He wills and does according to His good pleasure. We really do not own or have control of our future. We need to learn to love God and totally surrender to His will for our lives. Let us all be encouraged to not become too attached to this world and all the goings-on. Instead, let us ultimately look forward to Heaven; where we’ll live forever and have no more sickness, disappointments or death.



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