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Biblical Peace

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 (ESV)

I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10:28(ESV)

I listened to a sermon recently regarding true peace. Imagine if you will two paintings that depict peace. One painting is serene and calm with perhaps rolling meadows or the ocean, showcasing sunny, beautiful, clear skies. And the other is dark with tempestuous storm clouds. Very menacing and dark painting. However, in the corner of this painting, there is a little bird that was highlighted. Its head is tilted toward heaven and it’s singing his songs to God, while in the midst of that storm. As it is lifting up praises, God’s light is shone down from heaven.

Thinking about the notion of true peace, initially, we all may identify with the first portrait of calm and serenity. Which is beautiful, and there’s nothing wrong with this notation. But actual biblical peace is when chaos is all around, and you are truly comforted, knowing God is in total control. Knowing that He will set everything right, in His time. In the meantime, you will anchor in, and focus on the work he would have you to do in this world.

It’s easy for all of us to have peace when everything is going great and our life is good. But the real testing comes when everything is not so good. Do you have peace when a raging pandemic is causing sickness and death all around you? Do you have peace when due to the said pandemic, you’ve lost your job? Do you have peace when perhaps you’ve become sick and have been given a diagnosis, that is not so good? We all need to strive for the biblical peace that God speaks of in His word. The true Godly peace that surpasses all understanding. Not just some understanding. But ALL understanding.

For those who don’t have a relationship with God, they may find it hard to understand how you can be like the bird, praising and worshiping God, when all around you is crumbling. I pray that you and I will have that biblical peace that surpasses all understanding. That despite all going on around us, we will remain anchored in God and His word. To understand that having biblical peace is not always a feeling but it’s a knowing, that God will make a way. With this knowledge, you will be able to continue to fight the good fight of faith. Because you know your God has you through it all. So, sing your songs children of God. Sing to your Master sweet songs of praise and adoration, in the midst of whatever challenges and storms you may go through. Because He has you in the palm of his hand. He has you, in the midst of the storm.



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