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Can You Change The Situation?

Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

Psalm 112:6-7 (ESV) For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever. He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.

In my devotion today a writer discussed the Serenity Prayer. (I happen to love this prayer!)

In light of everything going on with COVID-19 and the fallout that has ensued, one can lose grip on the reality of the world around us. But as for Christians, and for those who are reading this looking for comfort, we must remember we cannot control this situation. During times like these, we have to learn to totally and completely trust in God. Things that are happening in Earth’s history may be shocking to us, but not to God. His word has told us these things must take place before the Son of Man returns. However, we are human and it’s very difficult to remain totally at peace/calm during a time of crisis.

But I want to encourage you, as well as myself, to remember to work on what you can control. Let’s ultimately work on ourselves. To a great degree, we have control of our thoughts and our actions, in response to a crisis. Work on strengthening your faith and your walk, so that you can be a blessing to those around you. Even in a crisis, you can be God’s representative. You can look to spread His message of light and hope. During this time, it is a perfect opportunity for us to witness for Christ, by showing love and compassion to others. Even though we have social distancing in place, that does not prevent us from reaching out to others. We may not be able to reach them physically, however in this world of 21st-Century communication, we can find a way to love God’s people. We can help strengthen and guide them, during rocky times. We all hope and pray that COVID-19 will eventually die down or be under control. But we still need to prepare ourselves, as other types of challenges may happen on a global scale, or even closer to home. I’m not promoting doom and gloom. However, I am being realistic about life. We will have our highs, but we will also encounter our lows. We need to prepare ourselves for when that time comes, we can still smile and share God’s love.

So, my hope for all of us in these uncertain times, is that we adopt the Serenity Prayer…

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference”



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