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Checking In!

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4 (ESV)

We’re living in a time that seems unprecedented. The Covid-19 global pandemic has continued for the last two years and, it seems as if there’s no end anytime soon. This pandemic has taken a toll on countless individuals, families, communities, and countries around the world.

In addition to the pandemic, racial tensions and racism seem to be on the rise and prevalent in the United States, as well as the rest of the world. There are groups of people who feel they are superior due to the color of their skin, their money/portfolios, their education, their religion, and the list can go on and on. Racial tensions/racism is not a new concept. It seems to have existed since the early days of humans dwelling together on this planet. Its tentacles seem to run deep across multiple generations and throughout all societies around the world.

To add to the above-mentioned problems, societies around the world are also facing economic downturns, caused primarily by the pandemic. This pandemic has effectively caused the shutdown and collapse, of various societal systems around the world.

It seems that all the above-mentioned conditions, and many others not listed, have led to some individuals, adults as well as young people, acting totally out of the norm of their characters. And unfortunately, some have even resorted to taking their own lives.

I felt compelled by God to share this post as a reminder that we all need to check in with one another. When checking in with family and friends, really ask them how they are doing and how they are coping with all that is happening in the world and in their life, right now. Sometimes we may not have words of wisdom to impart however, just being attentive and empathizing with them, can make a world of difference.

In addition, we also need to check in on ourselves. Sometimes we get busy in our daily lives and in helping others. However, we need to take time for self-care and make sure, we too are in a good emotional and mental state. We want to make sure that in handling our lives and those around us, we do so in a healthy and responsible way, in order to continue to move forward in this life.

Now, there may be times we perceive someone may need to speak with a professional. If that is the case, do not hesitate to suggest and encourage others to seek out help. Let them know there is no shame in seeking someone professional to help them at this stage of their life. Not only do we suggest for others to seek help, but this also goes for us as well, when practicing self-care.

For anyone reading this post and feeling you cannot go on, I pray and implore you to seek professional help. To begin the process of healing and restoring, the joy and happiness that is there waiting for you.

May we all remember that we are God’s precious children that He has placed on His beautiful Earth. Yes, there are challenges and problems in life but, there are also times of peace, happiness, and joy as well.

I’m checking in with you today. I pray for God’s blessings and peace in your lives now and forever.



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