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Christ In Everything

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 (ESV)

All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. John 1:3 (ESV)

Take a moment to breathe in and breathe out. If you’re able, go outside and feel the warmth or the coolness of the air. Look around and/or listen to the sounds of the day. As you do this exercise, look at every living being–people and animals, as well as every flower, plant, tree, etc. And when you take it all in then think of the Creator of our earth, Jesus Christ. Additionally, when looking at the man-made objects around us, we still can give thanks to God who created man, who in turn created the objects.

As you step momentarily away from the craziness of this world and take in God’s creation all around, may you view yourself as His most important and beautiful creation; His Masterpiece. In everything we say or do, may we seek to be Christ-centered. He wants to live in us and be an integral part of our daily lives. However, He has given us the power of choice, the free will to choose to allow Him into our lives or not.

As we seek to allow our lives to be Christ-centered, understand and realize your choices will be countercultural in many societies in this world. The current state of what is “normal and acceptable” in this world constantly goes against what God has stated in His word. There are many who will “go along” with the world’s norms because they don’t want to stand apart or be deemed different. They will go along with various ideas/choices, even though they know they are not right, and they go against God’s principles. And little do these same people realize, they are filling themselves up with potential pain and anguish in the future, over the decisions they’re making today. Choices that God wish they would have avoided, by following Him.

Seek to live a life where Christ is the center and is in everything you do. At times it will be difficult, we all tend to want what we want, and make decisions based on these wants and desires. But hopefully, we will choose to stop, turn away from sinful desires, and turn back to God.

Seek to have Christ in your life always and look for evidence of Him all around you every day.



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