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Writer's picture21stcglmediateam


For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 (ESV)

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 (ESV)

As Christians, we are constantly growing as we abide by God’s word and His teachings. So many times, I’ve encountered various people who are critical of Christian people, their walk, and their decision to abide by God’s Holy Word.

Somehow in society at large, people have it twisted regarding what being a Christian or, being Christlike, really means. Many people think Christians should be perfect human beings that never make a mistake. However, in living the Christian life, we understand we are not perfect and, we know in order to live this life, it is definitely a lifelong journey of highs and lows. We know and understand the church is a spiritual hospital, made up of sinners seeking a savior. And most importantly, we know the savior for all humanity is Jesus Christ.

Around the world, many will be celebrating Christmas on December 25th. Christians celebrate December 25th as a memorial to the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Bible scholars have stated they believe Christ was most likely born sometime in the spring, as opposed to the winter month of December in Bethlehem. However, over time, the celebration of Christ’s birth has remained on December 25th. As Christians, we celebrate that Jesus came to live on earth to teach us, and to bring the Bible and God’s word to life. And as Christians, we acknowledge and honor that He came in order to die, as a sacrifice for our sins.

During this Christmas season, I hope and pray that we will not stray from the true meaning of the celebration. With all the festivities and gift-giving, some may become so caught up, they forget the true reason of the season. However, may we not forget to celebrate Christ and why He came to earth. May we seek to become true Christians or Christlike in our behavior and our attitudes toward ourselves and one another. To seek to help one another as we all navigate life here on Earth. The greatest gift to give to our Creator and our Savior Jesus Christ is for us to grow in love and to care for ourselves and for each other.

As you enjoy your Christmas holiday, I pray it will be one of reflection of the past, gratitude for the present, and looking with faith and hope to the future. I pray we all focus on being more Christlike in our character and we seek to daily do God’s will, now and forever.



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