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Civil vs Spiritual Encounters  

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (ESV)

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (ESV)

Giving to a person when they are having difficulties is always a wonderful blessing to bestow on another. However, many times when we do good or give to others, we feel we’re doing God’s will and being highly spiritual at that moment. Depending on our actions, however, it could be considered civil as opposed to a spiritual encounter. I listened to a sermon recently where the pastor noted some points regarding being civil as opposed to being spiritual that I would like to share.

For example, when we see a person begging, we might stop and give them food or money but, will we be willing to stop and give them our time as well? Would we talk or pray with them? Most of us usually would not. So, giving money, food, etc. is wonderful and we should continue to do so. But, in order to move towards a spiritual connection, it will take us going further by having a conversation.

Another example, we become very angry with someone to the point where we want to lash out at them however, we make the decision not to do so, despite the pain/damage they caused. This act of holding back from harming another is of course the civil way to behave but, is it spiritual? In this instance, if we want to be spiritual, we would be seeking to pray for this person and whenever possible, look to have a conversation with them regarding what transpired. We would seek to talk to them and try and understand, in an attempt to ultimately be reunited in fellowship as stated in Mathew 18:15. Having a spiritual response instead of doing what our flesh (or surface feelings) tells us to do, comes about when one has an ongoing connection with God.

As I share this I’m thinking of my actions as well. Do I take the extra step when I look to give to others? To be honest, a lot of times I do not. Yet during those times, I felt as if I was being spiritual by helping those in need. Again, I’m not saying it’s something we shouldn’t do. By all means, we should do everything we can to help others, even if we don’t have the time to stop and chat. But, if we at times can take a few moments to ask their name, let them know God loves them, and that we will say a prayer for them, this civil encounter can definitely lean towards a spiritual moment.

As we go forward in life, may we continue to pray, read God’s word, and continue connecting with Him on a daily basis. In so doing, we will hopefully continue responding in a civil manner but take it a step further and make our encounters spiritual as well.



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