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Controlling People!!

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10 (ESV)

As May is mental health awareness month, I thought I should share this thought regarding controlling people. All of us in our lifetime will encounter people who are very domineering and controlling, who may play different roles in our life. Meaning they could be part of our family construct while growing up, our friends, significant others, perhaps our children, work/school colleagues, etc.

Depending on the circumstances, these controlling individuals will take it upon themselves to have others do what they say and what they want. And most of the time in order to keep the peace and to get along, non-controlling people will allow the domineering people to have their way.

What we must remember, however, is not just the controlling ones in this dynamic but the non-controlling ones as well. The non-domineering people are playing their role and allowing them to get away with their domineering/ controlling behavior. This should not be. God’s word in today’s verse is clear: “Are we seeking the approval of man or of God?”

In this one life, we all have, we cannot put any other human being in front of God or God’s choices for our lives. We cannot allow their controlling/ domineering behavior to rule our lives. To force us to live lives they want us to live that is sometimes, contrary to God’s word. No other human being should be before God, His Word, and before your relationship with God.

Make Godly choices in your life now that you will not regret. Do not allow people to have such control over you that you do not move out and live the life that God would have you to live, and to do what He would have you do.

Paul’s message in the last part of today’s verse is to seek to be a servant of God and to please Him. Not saying we should not be kind to others and try to help and be a blessing to God’s people whenever we can. But I am saying to not allow manipulative, controlling, and domineering people to steer your life in a direction that is contrary to what God would have, and contrary to what you want to do.

To be healthy emotionally and mentally, don’t seek to constantly please or appease other people. First, seek the Kingdom of God and what His word says for your life. Keep in mind you cannot please everyone. People have their own lives to live and not all are looking to live God-centered lives. We must keep in mind they have their own crosses to bear and, emotional and mental processes of their own they must handle. Depending on the situation, you can try to help them get the help they require. But ultimately, you have to look out for yourself and your mental/emotional well-being.

Seek to be the man and woman of God that He has created you to be. Seek to live the Godly life He has for you.



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