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CPR World

Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools.

Ecclesiastes 7: 9 (ESV)

We are living in a CPR world. Have you ever heard this term? During my devotion, I heard a Pastor break it down:

Covid Ravaged

Politically polarized and

Racially divided world.

After I heard this, I thought, what an accurate term to describe the state of our world today!

Covid-19 and its subsequent variants have claimed so many lives since the very first diagnosis. Many have lost loved ones and are learning to cope and live on without them. And still, others, are having to care for loved ones who are alive, however, they are still suffering from the long-term side effects of the virus.

When we talk about politics, here in the United States, as well as in other parts of the world, the political climate is very polarized. There are many with diametrically opposing viewpoints, who feel they can force their outlook onto others, and even resort to violence, in order to do so. Despite having opposing views, we all should be able to maintain and acknowledge our differences in a respectable manner. No one should seek to lash out at others, in an attempt to force their way of thinking.

Racially divided. This is not new. This division has been in existence since Bible times. Where one or several groups feel they are superior to others. The reasons usually center around race however, there can also be divisions based on religion, cultural and ethnic differences, and the list can go on and on.

In our world today, as in previous times in history, there are so many racial divisions. This should not be, and God is truly not pleased with how His children are behaving.

So, one may ask, how do we live as God’s children, in this CPR world? In last week’s post, we talked about the meaning of the acronym T.H.I.N.K and applying it to our everyday lives. This is one sure way to keep Godly thoughts and actions ever before us.

A good rule to follow when we are in stressful situations is to step back and think before we act and speak. Do not be too quick to respond. And when responding, choose to do so with kindness and empathy. May we always look to be intelligent and caring, when dealing with the world around us.

Another way to navigate the world around us is to develop and maintain, a consistent prayer life. Where every day and throughout the day, we seek to talk to God. May we look to lift in prayer our lives, the lives of our family members, friends, church family, co-workers, governments, other countries, and the world as a whole.

As we all daily navigate this CPR World, may we choose to be God’s “fragrance” of love and compassion, that is to be shared with all.



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