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Dealing With A Crisis

Dealing With A Crisis

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33 (ESV)


As I write this, people in Florida are feeling the force of Hurricane Milton. Just several days before, the state as well as other Southern states dealt with Hurricane Helene and were still trying to recover from that devastation. The hurricanes were so close together that the cleanup of debris from Helene had not been cleared before Milton descended upon Florida. Newscasters were saying the Category 5 Hurricane was the strongest and worst hurricane to hit the state, in the Central Florida area, in many years. Due to its size and intensity, many were told to evacuate and to prepare and brace for this monumental storm.


I felt God leading me to share encouragement on how one is to get through what could be a crisis. It is not just physical damage, many will suffer physical harm to themselves and/or their loved ones, and even some will be dealing with a loved one's death, all related to this storm. There will be many other crises in life that we all must deal with from time to time, not just this storm. In researching crisis management, many articles will tell you to make sure to have all important papers, insurance information, emergency phone numbers, etc on hand. And of course, this advice is crucial however, what about the mental, emotional, and spiritual state one should be in, to prepare for a crisis? The following are just some tips that one can implement to keep a sense of calmness and peace, as one “weathers” their crisis:

1.  Limit media to just necessary consumption. Do not overload on watching, reading, or listening to the media. This can reduce your anxiety if it is limited to only essential consumption.


2. Gather important paperwork and phone numbers together. Whether it be a paper or digital folder (I prefer digital on your cell), have it at the ready.


3. Reach out to your social network for support. Look to family, friends, church family, etc. One can look at various Christian organizations/programs as well.


4. Try to get proper exercise and sleep and keep a balanced diet.


5. Even as you are going through your difficulties, still seek to express kindness and compassion to others. Look to encourage them and try and help if you can.


6. Incorporate a rest period. A time to rest physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, to recharge and re-energize yourself so you can continue the tasks ahead. Every day one should have moments of connecting with God. But just as God rested from creation on the seventh day (see Genesis 2:1-3) we too need to do likewise.


These are just a few tips to help in navigating this and any other challenging time in life. As always, constant prayer and connection with God daily is key for any of us to deal with life and the various challenges that it brings. My prayer is for everyone to be strengthened as they meet daily challenges and that eventually, they will have a testimony to share on how God brought them through.




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