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Do Not Be Afraid

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (ESV)

Living in today’s world can be a scary place. One can fear for the safety of our loved ones and friends, have fear over economic as well as health challenges, and the list can go on and on. Currently, in various societies around the world, there is a lot of animosity, anger, and hatred that’s just boiling under the surface waiting to be unleashed or, it has been unleashed onto various unsuspecting individuals. And due to this animosity/hatred, it stands to reason that a few segments of the human population can and will have a greater fear than others.

However, when we go to the Bible, what does it say about being afraid? During my study, I came across a devotion that reminds us that within the Bible, God‘s word declares 365 times to not be afraid. He has given us this reminder that we can read and say daily throughout the year. As I’ve written before, the Bible is God‘s instruction manual to His children on how to live their best life. So within that manual, God has given instructions 365 times for us to not fear. This is really significant and so important that our Father felt the need to have this phrase repeated over and over throughout the scriptures. God knew that His children will face many trials and testing while here on Earth and He knew they would need that daily dose of encouragement.

Living day-to-day and with challenges on every side, sometimes we can lose sight and will at times be gripped with fear and anxiety which is understandable. But hopefully, this blog post will cause us to stop and think that we are His sons and daughters, and He has told us we will have ups and downs but, do not be afraid.

So, our challenge as God’s children is to go out and live our lives according to God‘s will and share His word with the rest of the world. May we fully embrace and accept God’s commission to go and teach the good news to others, to be a blessing to all we meet, and to teach them to Not Be Afraid!!



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