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Do You Long For What Others Have?

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.” Exodus 20:17 (ESV)

Do you ever find yourself wanting what others have? Their material possessions or even their relationships, i.e. their friends, their kids, or perhaps their partner/spouse? So many times, a lot of us do not appreciate what we have but, long to have what others have been given. What does the Bible say about covetousness or wanting what others have? In Luke 12:15 the verse states: And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

By fixating on what others have, this can lead to a host of problems in one’s life. It may cause thoughts of taking from others the things you did not work to have or, longing for their relationships which were granted to them by God. When one becomes so obsessed with what others have, it could lead them to neglect their relationship with God. In addition, it could cause them to compromise their integrity, and do whatever it takes to make more money to have more possessions and/or people. When God says, do not covet, He knew that the insidiousness of being covetous can lead to sinful desires that if unchecked, could eventually lead us down a path where we’d forfeit our very soul.

During childhood, we all at some point wanted what the other kids had. However, as we mature and take control of our desires and our thoughts, we should be at a place where we can control the need and hunger to have what others possess. Of course, we all must work to provide for our needs, as well as the needs of our loved ones. But we should not go to the extreme, trying to keep up with others, at the neglect of our soul salvation. May we remember what’s most important in life: having a relationship with God and others, as well as spreading God’s messages throughout the world. So, as we go forward in life, may we seek to be people who shine the light of humility, kindness, and love to others, instead of seeking to covet what they possess.



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