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Don’t Be Derailed!!

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:8 (ESV)

Having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Avoid such people. 2 Timothy 3:5(ESV)

In a morning devotion, I heard the Pastor state we need to be cautious of who we allow in our circle of influence. We have perhaps all heard this warning stated by other pastors, speakers, and writers; and I believe we all can attest to its truth.

Last week I wrote about integrity, and how we all need to constantly develop its character traits. In living our lives, we will meet many different people and personality types. However, the ones who you chose to keep close to you, including family and friends, need to be on the same trajectory and mindset as yourself. And, they definitely need to have the integrity we discussed last week.

All of us should want to live the life that God has ordained for each of us. We need to realize what He has purposed for you and I will impact this world for the better. And in living out that purpose, hopefully, we will seek to surround ourselves with others who have a mindset and a life trajectory, that is very much God-centered.

As we stay close to God and His principles, we will desire to be closely aligned with others who are like-minded. With God’s guidance, we will not allow individuals into our inner circle, who will seek to derail us from our Godly purpose in this life.

In interpreting God’s word in Matthew 7:15, it basically states one needs to be careful of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Also, as we read in the verses for today, we must be careful of those who seem to walk and talk honorably however, their actions and their thought patterns, are far from God. If possible, we must not allow these people to be in our inner circle of influence. Of course, we always need to be kind and loving to all people but, we must be careful of who we allow in our inner circle.

We must do our best to not allow anyone to derail us from our Godly mission in this world. Not allow ourselves to be lured or steered away from God’s principles by worldly customs or ideals. Keep your resolve and focus to be the best God created you to be. And remember, do not be derailed!!



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