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Don’t Judge People!!

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.” Matthew 7:1-2 (ESV)

We as human beings truly like to judge others. We look at the outward appearance and form an opinion on that person’s character, where they are from, basically their entire life. Some may say, “I don’t pre-judge people”. But perhaps you do, or have done, and don’t even realize it. Here are some examples:

  1. Their ethnic and/or religious background…we judge them

  2. The color of their skin…we judge them

  3. Their hair: whether they have toupees, wigs, weaves, braids, color/highlights buzz cut, mohawk, permed, straight, natural hair textures, too long, too short, on and on…we judge them

  4. Their clothes: whether too tight, too short, too loose, choice of colors, textures, and on and on…we judge them

  5. Also depending on the type of clothes they wear, we try and place where they are from, and base their characters, from clothes!!! We judge them!!

  6. If they wear jewelry or if they do not. The type of jewelry they wear. Where on the body they wear their jewelry, and on and on…we judge them

  7. If they speak with an accent or dialect from a certain area…we judge them

  8. If a man and woman decide to marry outside of their race/religious background, we make up our own reasons why…we judge them

From the top of their head to their toes, we judge them. We formulate so many different conclusions and opinions based on what we see. But do we really know them? Do we take the time to see where they are in their life’s journey? Do you know their heart, their mind, their intent? No other person really knows a person, only God (1 Samuel 16:7). However, we still like to conclude based on what we see of them. Like to sum up who they are, and where they are going in life; based solely on what we see and hear in front of us.

For whatever reason, we like to think we have the authority and right to place judgment on others. We at times like to feel superior to them, based on our own ideas of superiority. God never gave any of us this right nor power. Actually, He says just the opposite (James 4:12).

My Brother & Sister in Christ, stop judging. Stop trying to pigeonhole people, putting them into categories, based on what you see, hear, and feel.



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