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Dwelling On The Past?

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18

How many of us, whether it be good thoughts or bad, dwell on our past? There are many who seem stuck in yesteryear which means the past. If in our minds we feel everything was great in prior years, then we want it to continue and never let changes occur in society at large, in ourselves and in others. We want everything to be the same as years past and everyone to fall into the same roles that they played in the years prior. For example, if we’re talking about racial inequity, those who were part of the minority races acted and behaved in a subjugated manner to those who were in the majority, who held positions of authority and power. In this example, those who were once in power, “long” for times past and want everything to be as it was before.

Then, there are those who suffered pain and heartbreak, especially over a past love relationship that ended or have lost loved ones. Many may find themselves stuck in the past, reliving it in some ways and wanting everything to be as it once was before. For them, they have a hard time accepting their present life and moving forward. I know a lot of the times due to losses we have experienced, it is not easy to move on and one may need to seek professional counseling and/or group therapy. Please know there is no shame in this and actually it can be very beneficial as one seeks to heal, to grow, to move forward in life.

Of course, we all will reflect and remember what has happened in our past, whether it be good or bad. But as God’s word states, we need to not dwell in the past. To not dwell is to not live there but, to move forward in Him and to share His messages of hope, faith, and love to others. No one can control past events but we all can reflect, remember, and at times learn from our past, then look to move forward making choices/decisions rooted in God’s precepts.

As God says in Isaiah 43:19…“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” May we seek healing, restoration, and strength in God, and allow Him to lead us as we accept the present and look forward to our future.



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