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Facing Your Giants!

Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand”…1Samuel 17:45-46a (ESV)

Have you ever experienced past or even present traumas in life that you must face? But instead of confronting them, you sought to avoid addressing the issues? I believe we all have had past and perhaps present issues that we need to face, deal with, and not avoid. In order to move forward in life as healthy and productive people, we must learn to face our giants, our past, and not run from it.

At times, to avoid dealing with the traumas of the past, we work ourselves to mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. Or we go to the other extreme, seeking various types of pleasures that we hope would fill us and give us what we “need” in order to be happy and content.

In spite of the initial pain, we all must face our traumas and brokenness and begin the journey of healing. We first begin by loving and forgiving ourselves for the past hurts. In certain situations, it may require we ask God for forgiveness, in order to begin the healing process. As we seek to face the truths of the past, turning to a Godly spiritual professional can help as you walk through your healing journey. This partner can help you come to terms with the trauma and in time, learn to heal and grow.

As a child of God, know He is with you continuously throughout your life’s journey. As you begin to make peace with the past, know that God is the master potter who can use the fragments of your life, to create something beautiful. Trust and believe all our fragments can be useful to God; He will never let any fragment be wasted. He can put the pieces together so they can be effectively used as a powerful witness to the world. By choosing to care for ourselves, we are making room to allow the gifts God has given, to be utilized to their fullest potential.

As painful as it may be, may we all have the courage to face and conquer the giants in our lives. May we seek to put things in proper perspective and focus on living healthy for the present, and looking forward to the future.



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