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Fight Battles God’s Way

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians6:12(ESV)

How many of us have dealt with people who have been caustic, combative, and who have meant us harm in some form? We all can admit that from time to time, we have had to deal with these types of individuals. And in responding to their vitriol, at times we may also have resorted to their level of response and/or tactics.

But I would like to suggest, as the Bible clearly stated in the verse above, we do not fight against other human beings but against dark forces that the other individual is allowing to control them at that moment. I want to make a point here to state all of us are subject to allowing dark forces inside of our thoughts and minds as well. Every human needs to continue to connect and maintain their connection with God, in order to not fall into a dark/evil state as well.

We all need to use Godly weapons, to effectively fight against evil. As hard as it is, when you are right in the middle of the situation, we still need to try and look beyond the individuals that seek to do us harm. We need to try and remember, they are internally dealing with their own issues and usually, they are projecting it outward toward another. Of course, it goes without saying, that what they are doing is not right nor should their behavior be excused.

The Bible, as well as pastors and/or speakers, encourage us to always pray and have our Godly weapons ready. These warnings are very true and very much needed in this world today. Ephesians 6:11 from the Bible says this: “put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil”. It goes on in verses 14-18 describing the “weapons” of God that we need:

*Belt of truth -always remind yourself of the truth

*Breastplate of righteousness -be Godly in your thoughts/actions

*Gospel of peace – be peaceful; seek peace always

*Shield of faith -extinguishes the darts of the evil one

*Helmet of salvation -remember God’s saving power

*Sword -the Spirit of God, which is God’s word

*Prayers -petition God for strength at all times

These are the weapons that will hold us all while we are going through our battles. Let us seek to have these Godly weapons ready always. There will be times when it seems our “armor” has been pierced. However, believe and trust in God that all of us will be able to withstand the various trials.

One of the main reasons I share this blog is to encourage myself and others, on how to maintain your strength mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually when dealing with various individuals, as well as life in general. God inspires me to write in order to encourage and prepare us all when we encounter trials. With God’s help and provision, we will be able to withstand these tests and come out stronger, than ever before.

May we fight our battles God’s way and put on the whole armor of God, always. I pray as we go through various trials, especially involving others, we will understand that we are not fighting the person before us but the spiritual evil that is present. Be encouraged and know God will be with you and, the situation will eventually come to an end. May we all stay strong and keep faith in God, always.



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