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For Such A Time As This?

Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not think to yourself that in the king’s palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:13-14

Reading the above verses made me wonder, are we living out the purpose that God has for our lives? Initially, Esther did not want to go to the King because it could mean her death (see the preceding verses). But her cousin Mordecai, reminded her as well as us, that who are we to say no when God calls us?

As we live out our time here on this Earth, let us seek to do what it is He would have us do, in utilizing our gifts and talents. Let us listen for God to call us; it may be a great and noble calling or, it may be small and seemingly insignificant. But no matter what He calls us to do, let’s listen, obey, and use our gifts and talents to save His world.

It is so powerful when we realize we are all placed on this Earth for a reason and a purpose. I pray for myself as well as others reading this, that we will align our lives with God and fulfill the destiny that He has for each of us.

Esther had a choice as we all do. She could have chosen not to be the deliverance of the Jews as her cousin Mordecai said, and God would have brought about change via another avenue. Had Esther not listened, it seems almost certain there would not be a book in the Holy Bible, dedicated to her.

In answering God’s call, do not look for glory, high- praise, and honor from man. But instead look to lift God, His love, and His message up always, to this world.

Also continuously pray for courage to step out on faith and do what it is He would have you to do. Just as Esther fasted and prayed, you and I can also continually fast and pray for courage to move out for God. He will never let us down and will be with us when we need Him.

So, as you step up to do God’s bidding remember this, for who knows whether you were born into this world for such a time as now…



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