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From Fear to Faith: The Virgin Mary

Luke 1:34 (NIV)

34 Mary said to the angel, “How will this happen since I am a virgin?”

Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)

6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

I recently read the familiar passages in the bible when Mary is visited by the Angel Gabriel and told she will have a son, and that He will be the Son of God. I like many have read this story so many times. This time I thought again (as I have done so many times before) what courage and strength she had, to endure what was to come. But also, what occurred to me, even more, was her faith. God could have sent His angel to her after she was married to Joseph. He could have sent the angel to both her and Joseph at the same time after they were married. If it had been that way, there would have been no fear of what lay ahead in telling Joseph, her family, and possibly the entire town. She would not have to fret over the possibility that Joseph would not marry her, and of potentially being stoned to death. Most of us would have been frightened and so unsure what the future would be, despite an angel coming to us. After the angel left and we were left alone, we all would probably think to ourselves, “Well, what to do now?”

What occurred to me is that God allowed it to be this way for a reason. He allowed it to be this way not only for her faith, but for ours and many future generations to come. Mary did not have the privilege of knowing the future or the end of the story at the time she was visited. Despite not knowing her fate, she held fast and firm to her faith in God. Knowing that God spoke to her, she was willing to allow His will to be done in her life, no matter the cost.

Moving forward in life, this is a testament to all of us on faith. To trust and believe God and His promises, despite what you see. Even if the outcome you hoped for, does not come to pass, you will still trust Him. We all need to trust God and have faith like Mary. A faith that says no matter what happens, you will move forward in His word and promises for the future. You will not doubt nor waiver, you will remain strong and steadfast. Even in the face of the unknown. Even in the face of fear…



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