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Give Thanks!!

I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High. Psalm 7:17 (ESV)

Here in the United States, we are preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday next Thursday. It is where we look forward to getting with our families and friends (in a smaller setting, due to the Covid-19 pandemic) and celebrating togetherness; being thankful for the blessings God has bestowed upon us. We come together fixing Thanksgiving Dinner, which can be a combination of various foods and dishes that represent various cultures and traditions.

But traditions and festivities aside, most of us do pray and give thanks for our life, our families, and friends. In addition, we pray and give thanks for housing, food, clothes, health, finances, and other necessities of life.

However, in looking at the heart of today’s verse, it says, “I will give thanks to the Lord for his righteousness and sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High”. My question is this, how many actually seek to thank God, for being God? To actually lift thanks and praises to God for Him? Not for us or our loved ones. Not for food, shelter, or clothes. But to just thank Him for being our Lord, the Most High.

In writing my blog articles, I am always praying and asking God to be with me as I write. I pray and ask that it may be a blessing to those who read it. However, just now I had to stop myself and say, here I go, asking. In faith, I know He has always been and will be with me as I write. So now I have changed my prayer, to just thanking Him for being Him.

I, like many others, are so used to thanking Him for everyone and everything He has given. However, I would like to challenge us to have some of our prayers be given to just say thank you God for being You!! To not have a list of wants or requests. But just to honor and acknowledge Him for who He is, for what He has done, is doing, and will do, for all humankind and for our world.

Of course, we all should continue to lift up prayers for our lives, our family, and our friends. But I encourage us to also give praise and thanks to God alone just for who He is, our Lord and Savior Most High.



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