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God Is Awesome!!

Awesome is God from his sanctuary; the God of Israel—he is the one who gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God! Psalm 68:35(ESV)

As I awoke one morning, I thanked God for a good night’s rest and for waking up to a new day. But then I thought to myself, do I still thank Him, when I did not rest well? When my days/nights, had not been good at all, but very dark?

So my question is this; do you thank God based on your feelings at the moment? Or do you thank Him because He is good at all times; and deserves our praise, despite circumstances?

While we’re living in this sinful world, we must remember this is not our final home.  At times when things are not going well in our lives, we look to blame others, or circumstances that surround us. Some will go so far as to blame Adam and Eve, for the fall of humanity.  However, we need not look to others, as we’ve all made sinful choices, of our own.  And there will be times when situations we find ourselves in, may not be our doing, but maybe the result of living in this fallen world.

But despite all of this, we must have the assurance and hope, that God is good, and will work all things out.  As His children, we need to make the decision to trust and believe despite feelings and circumstances, beyond our control. To know in our hearts that life on Earth is not the end and not our final destination. Our final goal is to be with God, to live in Heaven for all eternity.

I encourage you to make the choice to give your heart and life to Jesus.  You & I will have troubles in this world, whether you believe in God or not.  Whether you believe in eternal life or not. But I find knowing God and knowing His truth, makes it that much sweeter to endure any trials and tribulations that occur in this life.  The hope and assurance of knowing there will be better days ahead, make it easier to face the challenges of today and tomorrow. Despite feelings (that can betray you. One minute you’re feelings are up the next minute they’re down), make an intellectual decision that no matter what comes your way, God will ultimately triumph in all areas and in all aspects of life.

God is Awesome!! Know it and believe it!!!

Blessings, Angélique~

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