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God, Please Change My Life!

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

Have you ever looked at your life and really prayed that God will change your surroundings and your circumstances? Prayed that His blessings would just change your life’s direction? But have you thought that sometimes when we pray that prayer, (I’m included), that we are praying amiss? Meaning we are missing the key factor of that prayer, which us! What God is trying to convey to all His children is that He is trying to get us to change, not so much the people or circumstances that surround us.

In a sermon, I once heard Pastor TD Jakes say this, “how dare we ask God to change our circumstances and ignore Him when He’s trying to change us!” We need to get into a mindset of allowing God to change our hearts and minds and be willing to accept and receive His instructions for change. A lot of the times your circumstances, as well as mine, will change, because of a change that has taken place in us.

When looking to change your current circumstances look around you, at the circle of influence that surrounds you. If the individuals, groups, and/or activities you are involved in, are holding you back and not pushing you towards God’s glory, then you need to look to change that circle of influence.

When we allow ourselves to be changed by God, we will become strengthened and able to withstand any circumstance that surrounds us. I am not saying it will always be easy to allow changes in our lives. Not saying life will always be happy times even if we do allow God to change us. However once changed from within, when life seems to crumble and fall apart, we will be able to stand and not be destroyed from those outward circumstances. As God’s word says in Isaiah 40:31, “they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Let us allow God’s beautiful change to take place in our lives. Then as we step into our life’s path, let us soar!



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