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God’s Awesome Humans

Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Genesis 2:7 ESV

So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 ESV

God is Awesome! He is incredible! He is multi-dimensional and extremely creative! His creativity is seen in all aspects of earth and the solar system known to us. But one of His greatest creations is God’s awesome humans! He created us all shapes, sizes, colors, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, religious beliefs, personalities, gifts/talents, and the list can go on and on. We are made in the beautiful image of our God. As His children, we have taken different paths and different walks in life, whether of our own doing or the life story we were born into.

Even though God’s human creation is extraordinary, what is even more significant is the free will He has given to all. The will to choose right and wrong which we all have been granted. And how we decide to use this gift, impacts each other, and the world our Father has created. If we choose to follow His holy word, (which is the blueprint to life and relationships with one another) there would be less sin and devastation in our current world. When we chose to ignore His instructions for life; sin, destruction, and death (both spiritually & physically) will always be the result.

As His children navigating this life and His human creation, we need to always have healthy boundaries in place (see a past post on Boundaries). When entering into relationships (whether it’s professional or personal) with other people, we need to always keep in mind there are complexities that make up this individual. Everyone has different backstories or histories with their family as well as their friends and acquaintances.

I would encourage all to get close to God and His holy word. Continuously maintain a relationship with Christ and learn the way to become one of His awesome humans. When you learn this and have your healthy boundaries in place, you will be able to properly navigate the constant interactions with others. You will see the “red flags” in those individuals who are not walking, at all, in the way God outlines. You will see clearly their behaviors and interactions with others despite what they say, their consistent behavior will tell you the truth of their nature.

We are not all perfect. Only God, and Jesus His son, is perfect. Even though there are wicked people in this world, there are also loving and kind people as well. Keep your Godly connection by studying His word and prayer. Keep your spiritual guard and boundaries up, then look to enjoy interacting with God’s awesome humans!



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