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God’s Kids

“The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Job 33:4 (ESV)

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13 (ESV)

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

This is a post I should not have to write. A topic that should not have to be addressed. Unfortunately, it is one that still needs to be brought to the forefront of society today.

As I listened to the song titled, “Bleed The Same” by Mandisa, featuring TobyMac & Kirk Franklin (link to the song is below), the lyrics struck home, in light of the current events: the death of George Floyd and the ensuing protests and riots. In one of the lyrics, she sings this: “Tell me who are we to judge someone by the kind of clothes they’re wearing, or the color of their skin. Are you black? Are you white? Aren’t we all the same inside? Father open our eyes to see, we all bleed the same.”

The anger that has boiled over has crossed all color lines. It is not just black people, Hispanic people, and Asian people who are protesting, but also white people. There are peaceful protests all over this world as the anger, the hurt, and the pain is deep. Unfortunately, there is rioting as well. Let’s be clear, no rioting or damage to other persons or property is okay. But due to the continued injustice and inequality, there is still a need for peaceful protests. The purpose of this article is to highlight the fact that we are all God’s children. He created all of us. He didn’t just create a people of one race who relate to only one cultural identity. He did not create one set of people that behave the same, wear the same clothes, listen to the same music, who walk and talk the same. He created diversity. He created this earth, and each and every unique individual. We truly do all bleed the same.

In order to see lasting and effective change, I encourage all of us to begin (if not already) to be proactive in stamping out inequality, injustice, and racism. If you’re not someone who will actively get involved outside of your family and/or circle of influence; I pray you will stand up within your sphere of influence, and speak the language of inclusion and of Godly love. I pray you will stand up for right and call out bigotry and racism. You will teach family members, young and old, that we are all God’s children. No matter the color of our skin, the texture of our hair, or the clothes that we wear. He placed us all here for a reason and purpose. And that reason and purpose is not to tear each other apart nor to break each other down. As God’s children, we are here to show His love to the rest of this dying world.

My charge to all God’s Kids; love and protect each other, now and always.

Blessings, Angelique~



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