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God’s Mosaics

But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8 (ESV)

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)

Have you ever noticed the beauty of fragmented pieces of material coming together, to formulate beautiful artwork known as a mosaic? The material can be made from stones, tiles, or the most popular material, glass. Many mosaic pieces can be found in stained glass windows of a church, artwork in a museum, or even perhaps, the artwork found in a person’s home.

The main beauty of mosaics is the fragmented pieces of material that come together. When you look at these broken pieces apart from one another, you would at first think it is just junk or trash. You would think it’s not worth keeping and that it should be thrown away. However, by cleaning the pieces and then using imagination, one can bring these fragmented pieces together to form a beautiful work of art.

Many of us should look at the broken and fragmented pieces of our lives, the failures, disappointments, losses, etc., and see them as still being useful to God. Instead of becoming discouraged and despondent, may we take a step back and look at our lives through God’s eyes. May we then look to trust our Heavenly Father, the Master Creator, to craft our beautiful mosaic.

God can take the broken and tarnished pieces of our lives and weave them into a beautiful mosaic to shine before others. Some may be quick to discard however, God sees the beauty of my brokenness and yours and begins to put the various fragments together with love. Then what comes forth is God’s magnificent work of art that is our lives, which will become our testimony.

Our lives are God’s mosaics. We all have many imperfections, but God’s beauty will eventually come forth when we allow the Master Creator to shape and formulate our lives. And once God has artfully put together the fragmented pieces, let us share with others the love and care we received, from our Heavenly Father. May others see and believe how God has given us beauty for ashes. (Isa.61:3, KJV)

As God’s children whose fragmented lives He formed into a beautiful mosaic, may we go forward in life shining for all the world to see. May we allow the world to witness, how God turned brokenness into beauty.



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