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God’s Open Arms

…But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ Luke 15:20-21

The Prodigal Son story is a very moving example that reminds us of the extent of God’s love, for His children. You may at times feel you have traveled or strayed so far from God, that you are lost forever. However, God’s word throughout the Bible, and especially in the Prodigal Son story, tell of His love and care, for us all.

This life is definitely hard at times, for all of us. The difficulties could be due to circumstances we were born into via our family network or, due to our own actions. During those times we may find ourselves lost, and adrift in life. We feel as if we failed and cannot make it back into God’s good graces. But this story and many others in the Bible, let us know we are God’s children, and He loves us with an unmeasurable amount of love and care.

It is up to us to look within and assess where we are in life. To stop and take a good look at our current situation, just like the prodigal son did. I pray that no matter where we are in life, we all will come to that moment when we realize we cannot make it in this world without Him. That we, like the prodigal son, will come to ourselves, get up, and go back to our Spiritual Father, which is God our Creator.

If you find yourself wanting to return to God but feeling inadequate or ashamed, realize in your heart He loves you, and His arms are open to receive you. As much as possible, never allow this world and its various vices, pull you away physically, emotionally, and mentally from God. However, if you ever find yourself lost and wandering, always remember you can run back to God. His arms are always wide open to receive you!



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