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God’s Voice

The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. John 10:3-4 (ESV)

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 (ESV)

The world is filled with a lot of opinions or a lot of “voices” that can leave us frustrated and confused about which way to turn or which “voice” to follow.

There are times when it may not even be a major decision or problem we are facing. Sometimes we may have doubts or negative thoughts about ourselves, swirling around in our heads. During those times, we need to learn to self-parent and self-govern those negative and doubting voices. This is when we need to have God’s word in our minds and hearts. So, when those difficult moments come, we can step back and compare our thoughts or the “voices”, against God’s word and His promises.

The question may be asked, how do you know God’s voice? How do you know which way to go or how to follow the right path in life? It begins by studying God’s holy word and prayer. When we get to know God through studying the Bible and understanding His commandments and precepts, we will know God’s true character and voice. The various rules God shares in His word, are there to help govern and bring order to our lives and to our world. Just like a loving parent tells a child not to do this or that, in order to protect them, the same goes for us with our Heavenly Father. God’s rules are there to help spare us from the inevitable hurt and pain, due to disobedience.

This world can be confusing and full of corruption, sin, and darkness. But there is light, and that light is only from God. You and I can discern God’s voice versus the world, when we compare our thoughts and decisions, against His truth, and His integrity. When you weigh decisions in this manner, you will know what is from God, and what is not.

A practical way to really allow yourself to hear from God is to spend time with Him in quiet stillness and in prayer. It may not come easy at first, but if you keep seeking to spend that alone time with Him, you will hear the “right voice” as you navigate life.

There is a lot of “noise” in this world pulling our attention one way or another. Seek to quiet your mind, your heart, and your thoughts, by pulling your attention away from the “noise” and finding that quiet solitude every day with God.



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