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Godly vs. Worldly Wisdom

For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder in every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. James 3:16-17 (ESV)

Godly vs. worldly wisdom. One may ask, what’s the difference? The short answer…plenty! Worldly wisdom will always seek to put oneself first, no matter the outcome or consequences to others. Godly wisdom will consider others as well as oneself and will weigh the impact of various choices/decisions. Worldly wisdom will teach the principles of grabbing all one can, regardless of decency, principles, and moral values. The worldly attitude lives by the adage of get more, more, and more and, to live and let live, meaning do whatever you want and whatever feels good, as long as it’s legal. Through God’s word in the Bible, He gives us the information we need to distinguish between worldly wisdom which leads to death versus Godly wisdom which leads to God’s peace and life.

I recently read a story of a hiker who was with a group of friends, and he became injured while the group was halfway through their trek through the forest. The friends called for help and using cell phone technology were able to send his exact coordinates to the authorities. However, instead of one or all of them staying with him to make sure nothing happened until help arrived, they all decided to leave him alone to be rescued. Because for them, they felt it was more important that they continue and finish the course so, they took off. He was eventually rescued however, even the rescuers could not believe the selfishness of his companions. What would cause someone to choose between leaving an injured person in the woods by themselves just so they could continue their adventure? This is a prime example of selfishness and self-centeredness that the world teaches. These “friends” probably felt nothing was wrong with their actions. They felt they did their part to signal for help and they did not want to ruin the rest of their vacation. Now, perhaps the hiker told them to go on however, any person who possessed Godly wisdom would not have made such a self-centered decision. A person with Godly wisdom would have stayed and made sure he was protected through the night and eventually rescued.

There are many stories that we know personally and what we have read or heard in the media of callous and egregious human behavior with one another. May we seek to be individuals who will make Godly choices for ourselves, as well as for the sake of those we come in contact with. May we study God’s word and learn His ways so that we can always choose God’s wisdom vs. the world’s.



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