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Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)

The definition of gratitude is this: “The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”

I read a recent article where the writer mentioned gratitude being the one key element and foundation that he adhered to in life. For example, having a bad day where everything seemed to be going wrong, he states he would stop and begin to be thankful, showing gratitude for what he has already been given up to now. He would seek to show true appreciation for what has happened thus far in his life experiences.

All of us, no matter the life we have lived, can choose to have gratitude be a constant daily companion. Some of us carry a heavy load of burdens compared to others however, we can still seek to show gratitude to God, for what He has done and for His constant provisions. In being grateful for the present, we can learn to exercise our faith and trust in God, knowing He will provide in the future as well.

Recently, I had to put this practice of seeking gratitude to the test. Having gone through a very rough and emotionally down week, I was just not at my best. I looked at the notes I had for this weeks’ blog post and begin to smile. Right then I decided to stop thinking of the problems and setbacks, and instead, I began to praise and thank God for what I had been given, and for what He brought me through in the past. As I did this, the problems did not go away but, my attitude toward them changed drastically. After spending just, a moment thanking and praising God, a moment of being grateful, I gained a fresh outlook and strength, to move forward and conquer my challenges.

So, for today and always, seek to show gratitude for all you have been given thus far in life. When the stress and strain of life press in, make the choice to practice gratitude and give praises to God for what He has done and for what He will do in the future.



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