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Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ… Ephesians 5:20 (ESV)

You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God; I will extol you. Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 118:28-29

I read an article recently where the writer said every ounce of energy in his body comes from gratitude. Just that sentence alone made me stop to ponder, am I truly that grateful? Where every once of energy comes from gratitude? Do I throughout the day, every day, exude gratefulness? Do you?

While we are all living in the current circumstances of a raging pandemic (Covid-19) and economic calamity all around, it can be hard to exude daily, constant, gratefulness. When we see and perhaps know of people suffering from the loss of loved ones, sick themselves, or suffering from the economic fallout, it might be hard to think of being grateful.

But it is at that time that one must stop and realize, we are still here. Realize and be grateful for our loved ones, friends, co-workers, and church members. That they are still alive, and they are still here.

Not only should we be grateful for the life we have been given, but also for the provisions God has bestowed upon us. To truly be thankful for what He has provided for us, every day. We get sidetracked in this life from time to time, looking at the world or what others have. But we must stop those thoughts when they come, and instead think of others who do not have what you and I have been given. There are times when you meet individuals who seem to have just a little in material possessions and daily provisions, but they praise God fully, and are truly grateful, for what they do have.

So, starting today and from now on, seek to be grateful throughout the day, every day. Let us seek to have every fiber of our being, showing complete gratitude to God. For what He has done for us, and our loved ones, and for what He will do. Be grateful for the big things of course, but for the small things as well.

Now we know that from time to time, we all will experience heartache, pain, and loss. That is life, for us all. But yet and still, try and make it a practice to have gratitude exude from your being throughout the day, every day.

So, what are you grateful for today?



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