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Writer's picture21stcglmediateam


Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; James 1:19 (ESV)

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6 (ESV)

Have you ever angrily snapped at someone that really didn’t deserve it? I believe we all have been there from time to time. I was reading an article the other day, and it shared this acronym: H-A-L-T which stood for hungry, angry, lonely, and tired.

How many times have we all made rash snap decisions, due to one of the four above? I think more times than we would like to admit. There’s another popular term people use as well which is Hangry; a combination of hungry and angry that also showcases two of the four we referenced above.

So, it is safe to say that we should not make decisions, especially ones that affect others or even ourselves, when the four situations listed above exist. Because when the above feelings are going on, we’re in a very vulnerable state and need to be careful before we move forward. Now of course life happens, and sometimes it’s not possible to not be hungry, angry at a certain person, or event, lonely for several reasons, and just tired from dealing with the stress of life. But, knowing ahead of time and arming oneself with this knowledge, should help when the time comes to making various decisions in our lives.

So, remember to H-A-L-T before making a decision and check in with yourself to make sure you’re not hungry, angry, lonely or tired, before proceeding forward with your life choices.



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