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Hannah And Her Prayer

1 Samuel 1:18

18 And she said, “Let your maidservant find favor in your sight.” So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad. (NKJV)

Hannah prayed from deep within her for a child.  She cried out to the Lord from the inner depths of her despair and pain, for her barren womb.  Earlier in the chapter the temple priest Eli, mistook her for a drunken woman, due to her lips moving but no sound coming out.  When she told him she was pouring her heart out to God, he told her to go in peace, and may God grant her petition.  She then arose and went out of the temple, no longer sad but with gladness in her heart.   We can imagine her from that point on; happy, eating, and content.  

However, after her prayer, there was no immediate answer from God.  At the time, she had no knowledge of what the future might be.  We know from reading the story that God did indeed grant her request.  However, what if He had not?  What if the child Samuel was to be born to another? 

The point I want to share is this:  if God does not answer your prayers or grant your request, will you continue with your life, and be content?    There will be times when we do not have answers to our prayers granted the way we would like it to be. After having prayed and poured our hearts out to God, we too need to get up and change our countenance from worry and distress to gladness. Even if we do not know the future outcome, in faith we trust God will move in the direction that is His will.  That direction may not be known to us at the time or even in our lifetime.  However, we know and believe He is in total control of our lives, at all times.  

After having petitioned our Father, may we rise up and smile, partaking in the life our Creator has given us.  Let us, love, trust, and be obedient to Him, now and always.



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