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Happiness vs. Joy

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance”. James 1:2-3

Happiness. Everyone is in search of happiness. People will quit school, jobs, serious long-term relationships, all in an elusive attempt at “finding” happiness. A friend once shared with me how her spouse decided to leave their marriage in search of happiness. In comforting her, we talked about the happiness of this world, which can encompass people, places, or things. As opposed to joy, which comes from God.

What some do not realize, is that happiness is based on external things and situations that must happen to you, or around you. Happiness tends to fluctuate. It is usually not constant nor sustainable. Happiness is usually circumstantial. If the circumstances are right at that moment, then you are going to be happy.

Joy on the other hand, is a fruit of the Spirit of God that is deeper. When you have God’s joy, despite what’s happening around you, you will look to “count it all joy”, in all circumstances. God’s joy tends to be a deeper emotional response, as one chooses to be joyful despite their situation.

In all honesty, true joy may not be what you are feeling at the moment. Also, you will not obtain it if you are focusing on what others have, and you do not. It comes when we are looking up to God, and obediently following the plans He has for you. Strive to be at peace and count it all joy now, not tomorrow or sometime in the distant future. You may be walking through a tough time right now. All of us have been there at some point. However, after we have cried it all out, we need to wipe our eyes, get up, square our shoulders back, and look up to God. We need to know and believe that He’s got you and the situation under control. He will pull you through.

Be at peace and choose to be joyful. Look around your life and see the many blessings all around you. Whether big or small, the blessings are there every day, for us all. Strive to make a difference. Strive to bring joy and happiness to God’s people and His world.



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