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Having A Relationship With God

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 1 John 3:1 (ESV)

The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued my faithfulness to you. Jeremiah 31:3 (ESV)

Many are under the misconception that having a relationship with God requires keeping rules and laws. They feel by keeping these regulations only, they will be granted a closer relationship with Him. This thinking is so very far from the truth. God has always desired above all else, to have a loving relationship with us, His children. And having established a relationship with Him, our desire would then be to follow His teachings, as set forth in the Bible.

God’s Holy Bible should be viewed as life’s instruction manual, a guide showing us how to live our best life. The Bible is there to both navigate and encourage us on our life’s journey; always seeking to point us in the right direction. Also, it is there to guide us on how to have a constant, loving, and personal relationship with God.

There are those who feel all they need is a vast intellectual understanding of the Bible, and with this knowledge alone, they will develop a close relationship with God. However, it does not matter how much intellectual understanding and knowledge one may possess. If a person has not humbled themselves and submitted their will to God’s will, they may never develop a close relationship with Him. First and foremost, we should learn to be humble and obedient, as we seek a loving relationship with God. And then, we need to be willing to learn, understand, and apply what God has to say, in His Holy Word.

Jesus Christ came to live on this earth and show us how to worship and honor God. Jesus was constantly showing us how to have a closer, personal relationship with God, as we go about our everyday lives.

God inspired me to write this blog to help people realize that even in the 21st century, having a personal relationship with Him is still vital and very relevant. As we live in this ever-changing world, we can still be filled with His Spirit, and make a positive impact on our lives, and the lives of those around us. A positive impact on this world is possible if we continue to keep our connection to the power source, God.

There will be so many things, situations, and people, that will try to pull us away from God, and His way of thinking. However, seek to be diligent in learning about God and applying what you have learned to your everyday life. Of all the relationships we formulate during our lifetime, the most relevant and the most impactful one is the one we have with God.



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