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Holiday Gift Giving

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.   Matthew 6:19-21 (ESV)

Here in the United States (and in other parts of the world), today is typically known as Black Friday, the highest shopping day of the year. This typically marks the day when most shoppers go on a spending spree for gifts, for the upcoming Christmas holiday.

Shopping and buying gifts for Christmas is a tradition for most people, here in the US and around the world. And most of us really enjoy giving gifts to our loved ones and friends. However, in reading the above verses, this should cause us to put into perspective, holiday shopping, and gift-giving. I am not suggesting we cannot indulge in this tradition. I am merely suggesting, we keep a Godly perspective as we revel in the celebration.

As God’s word suggests, we need to really place our mindset on having a heart that is truly focused on God and His plans for our lives. To “store up” His goodness and precepts in our hearts. And to attempt to live and interact with others in a way pleasing to Him.

God understands His children’s desires for festive celebrations. However, in reading and studying His word, it is more important for us to be connected with Him and His ways, and not to the material things of this world. We all have material goods and enjoy them. We all have given and received gifts. However, we must keep it all in the proper perspective. These items are not to replace a Godly outlook of life. They are not to replace what is truly important.

Enjoy this holiday season and beyond. However, keep the materialism of the holiday in check. Remember the real reason for the Christmas season is to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Seek to understand, acknowledge, and realize the important reason as to why He came to this earth. He came, in order to save all mankind.

Happy & Safe Holidays…



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