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Holy Friday

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…1 Peter 1:3 (ESV)

Even as the son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28 (ESV)

Holy Friday

Holy Friday or Passion Friday are terms used to describe the day Jesus Christ was crucified for the sins of all humanity. Many refer to it as Good Friday, and still others refer to it as Black Friday. Regardless of the various names that are used to reference this day, one fact remains; Jesus willingly gave of Himself to be tortured and murdered (despite His innocence), so that all humans (past, present, and future), have the opportunity of salvation because of His sacrifice.


Just like there are many terms that describe Holy Friday, there are also many traditions people around the world, adhere to during this solemn and sacred time. Whatever way you choose to honor this day, make sure you take time to reflect on what Jesus went through in order for us to have access to God the Father, and eternal salvation. Jesus showed love, compassion, and empathy to His children during the three and a half years of His teaching and healing ministry.  As we reflect on the ultimate sacrifice Jesus gave for us, may we seek to align our thoughts and actions with His word and His principles of right living.


We need to remember that our lives are not only for our own pleasures and gratifying our fleshly desires. God does not begrudge us our desires (that are within His will) but, our main purpose here on earth is to uplift His kingdom by sharing the Gospel to others. There are so many people in this world who do not know the love of God and His son, Jesus Christ. They do not know of Jesus’s sacrifice and the access we have to the Father because of His sacrifice. And God is looking to partner with us to be His disciples to go throughout the world, sharing His love and soon return.


As we think about Holy Friday, let us take the time to lament over the pain and agony of what Jesus went through on our behalf.  Then, after our time of grief and reflection, may we seek to move forward and commit to doing what He told us to do in Matthew 28: 18-20.  Jesus charged us to go and make disciples and spread the Gospel to all the world. 


So, despite the sadness we feel on Holy Friday because of Jesus’s death, we look forward to Resurrection Sunday and can declare to all the world that He has risen, as He said!  As stated in Numbers 6: 24-26, “May the Lord, bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.



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