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How Do Others See You?

For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man. 2 Corinthians 8:21 (ESV)

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, Titus 2:7 (ESV)

I read an article about a speaker who does an exercise with his participants, where he asks them to imagine, what would the obituary at their funeral say about them? Basically, he wanted them to imagine what will people truly say about them when they’re gone? The speaker went on to state that many people contacted him later and shared, that when they truly thought about his question, it changed the trajectory of their lives.

In reading the article, this question resonated with me as well and inspired me to share this post. My hope is for us all to stop, think, and ask ourselves, “how do others, truly see me?” How am I living my life and, what will others say about me, in my absence? Would they feel I have made a positive impact (whether great or small) in their lives? Will they feel welcomed, cherished, respected, and even loved by me? Or, will they feel judged, belittled, and always on guard while in my presence?

Of course, there will be many who feel they don’t care what people say after they’re gone. As a result, they will do and say whatever they think, regardless of the consequences to others. The way they see life, it’s all about their wants, needs, and desires; and everyone else plays a role in helping them get what they want.

However, there are those who do care about others and how their lives can impact those around them. Granted, we cannot live our lives pleasing other people and doing what others expect us to do all the time. But we can choose to be the best version of ourselves, seeking to grow and mature, as God’s child. We can daily choose to live with integrity as well as having Godly principles. In so doing, people will see God’s light and love shining through, as it spreads out onto them, and the world around us.

How do people see you? How would they describe you to others? Let’s pray that we all live our lives in such a way that others feel blessed, happy, and honored, that they had the privilege to cross our path of life.



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