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Intersections of Life

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalm 32:8 (ESV)

Imagine when you were younger and needed to cross a busy street. Someone older and wiser standing next to you took your hand, looked both ways to make sure the path was clear, and then you both walked across to the other side. In many ways, this is how we all should view God, as one who is full of wisdom and who will help us navigate the busy streets of life. If we listen to Him, He will help guide us across the difficult paths we will encounter.

Life can be beautiful, fun, and very enjoyable. But there are times we all will have to face challenges in life, with some being harder than others. It is during those times that God’s assurances and His wisdom on how to navigate the difficult seasons of life are so very important.

Now, there are unfortunate circumstances in life that can occur which are beyond our control. However, there are many times we will knowingly make decisions that are not the best choices for ourselves, as well as for our loved ones. And due to our decisions, we find ourselves at difficult intersections/crossroads of life, looking for a way out. Had we decided to follow God’s blueprint for life, His Holy Bible, we more than likely would not have encountered those difficulties.

May we always seek God throughout every aspect of our lives. May we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. When we do this, we are taking God’s hand and having Him lead us in the choices we make and the direction our lives should take. May we grow in the knowledge of God and consistently choose not to “run ahead”, by choosing our own way and not listening to His instructions.

As we go through life, may we keep our spiritual hand in God’s hand, and allow Him to lead us through the busy intersections of life.



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