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Writer's picture21stcglmediateam


I have never blogged or even thought about blogging. However, one day while in church, a strong inspiration came upon me and just the words “blog” came to mind.

I didn’t know why that thought came upon me out of nowhere, to engage in something I’ve never done before.

At the time however, I was going through a really difficult time, I will explain later in a future post. So, I shook it off and kept on going about life.

Then again when I was driving to work, the inspiration came upon me to begin a blog. As I drove I thought about this a little and I spoke to God saying, “Okay Lord. But how do I blog and what am I going to blog about? My current pain and suffering?” Then God answered, yes. But not just about what you are currently going through, but many other topics that your fellow Christian Brothers & Sisters, around the world, are going through. You will discuss candid real situations, that My children are encountering in this 21st Century. Have discussions, testimonies, encouragements and, prayers. This blog will help touch their hearts and reach out to help them on their life’s journey.”

I began to get excited by what God had revealed to me and couldn’t wait to get started.

However, as usual, life gets in the way and I became sidetracked. I put aside what God wanted me to do, and began dealing with my private pain.

Then a third time blogging was mentioned to me…

I was talking to a friend who was consoling me and helping me cope. Out of nowhere, she says to me, “I know this may sound a little strange but right now, I just got a strong impression to tell you, that you should begin a blog. WHAT??!! I asked. Are you kidding me? She then asked why I was so shocked, so I told her of the two other incidents. She then said to me “God is speaking to you. Obey His voice!!”

So my friends, here I am!!!

One final note, this blog will be Christian based. Any postings and comments will be based on the Holy Christian Bible, and God’s Christian principles contained therein.

May God’s Blessings be on you All!

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